About Us

Industry Relations—IAWD Board members travel to all AWMA & NACS industry events. We seek to understand trends and business concerns, then bring them back to our local state level so we can better interact with our trading partners. Each fall we travel to various corporate headquarters to discuss issues in a more private and relaxed atmosphere.

Legislative Affairs—We listen and understand legislative issues of distributors, manufacturers, and retailers. We deal with all forms of business regulations as well as taxation and regulation of tobacco. Our focus is not limited to the state level, we are involved in all state, local and federal activity. Whenever possible we seek an understanding of our various partners’ positions, however we take our final positions as a distribution community.

Social Events—The Annual Convention and Golf Outing are held to provide a venue for networking and interaction between members and manufacturers. It is an opportunity to develop friendships outside the traditional business setting and establish contacts throughout industry. Mutual respect for our work as distributors is
our goal.



